Glossary of CB Jargon, Page 1




























Advertising: Description of a patrol car with its lights (including the "Bubble Gum Machine") operating: "We've got a Smokey advertising at marker one-two-seven."

A little bit of help: Extra Power, running an amplifier.

Affirmative: Yes, 10-4.

Alligator: Refers to a retread which has come off a tire and is lying on the roadway. "Watch out for the alligator in the granny land by the one five six mile marker!"

Alligator station: All mouth and no ears, a yapper.

Anchored modulator: Base station operator.

Appliance operator: An in-experienced CB operator.


Back: Term used to tell another you're ending your transmission and want him to begin transmitting to you: "Come back."

Back Door: Behind a vehicle. "You're at my back door" or "I'll cover the back door." Used on highways to establish relative position. Also the designation of the station at the rear of a highway caravan of trucks watching for Smokies coming up behind. See also "Front Door" and "Rocking Chair."

Back Down: To slow down your vehicle's speed by removing or easing up your foot on the accelerator (hammer). "Back down, rocking chair, we have a Smokey coming up behind us."

Back'Em Up (Off): Slow down by pulling one's foot off the accelerator.

Back Out: One of a number of terms used to announce that you intend to stop transmitting and therefore conclude the conversation. "Let me back out of here for now."

Bad Scene: A term borrowed from the youth culture and applied to a crowded CB channel subject to many overlapping transmissions (layers). A real bad scene occurs during periods of high sunspot activity when skip conditions bring in stations hundreds of miles away.

Ballet Dancer: A swaying antenna, usually a bumper-mounted whip or fiberglass ears.

Band Bender: Side Band operator

Band Aid Wrapper: An ambulance. Also see "Wrapper."

Barefoot: Using only legal transmitter power: "I'm barefoot." Barefoot or "clean-cut" (the FCC is ruthless about the use of linear amplifiers snowshoes).

Barley Pop: A beverage made from barley and hops - beer.

Base (Base Station): A CB transceiver located in an apartment, home, or business that is a fixed location, as opposed to a mobile unit installed in a vehicle.

Basement: Channel one.

Bear: Police.

Bear cave: Police station.

Bear in the Air: A state patrolman in a helicopter or light plane who spots and clocks speeders. See "Smokey."

Bear in the Bushes: Police hiding.

Bear Bait: Someone driving over the limit with no radio.

Bear Bite: Speeding ticket

Beast: Unaffectionate term for CB transceiver: "The beast is only putting out three watts." Usually a rig that is not operating properly.

Beaver: Woman or girl.

Be-Bop: Tone signals transmitted by a radio control (RC) transmitter or a selective calling system that turns on a mobile transceiver when the correct code is received. RC signals are heard only on Channel 23, which is a shared frequency.

Big Charlie: Also known as the Big Double-C - the Federal Communications Commission. Originally a ham term.

Big Daddy: Not the benevolent person who helps young lovelies to cope with the world but rather he Federal Communications Commission.

Big Ears: A good receiver.

Big Slab: A big slab of concrete is an expressway.

Big Switch: The on-off control. Usually used in telling another that you intend to leave the air: "Time to pull the big switch, 01' Buddy."

Big Ten-Four: Hearty agreement with what the other operator has just said: "That's a big ten-four, Big Bopper."

Black Water: Trucker's term for coffee.

Bleeding: Interference caused by a station operating on a channel adjacent to yours: "Someone's bleeding on you" or "We got some bleedover." See also "step on" and "walk on."

Blessed Event: A new arrival in the family - a bouncing new CB rig. The cries will come from the spouse who learns what delivery cost.

Blew My Doors Off: To be passed by a vehicle traveling at high speed (usually at greater than the speed limit).

Bootlegger: Illegal radio operator who does not have a license to operate on the frequency he is using. CB bootleggers either do not have a valid station license or use frequencies other than the authorized CB channels.

Boulevard: An interstate highway, also referred to as the "Big Slab."

Boy Scouts: A somewhat less common name for state patrolmen, who are generally known as "Smokies" or "Bears."

Box: A linear amplifier, also known as a "linear snowshoes," or "footwarmer," that illegally boosts a CB transmitter's power beyond the maximum allowed by the FCC: "The rig's gonna sound better soon. I'm gonna get a box."

Break: Often used to initiate communications with another station. Used in a variety of ways,- e.g., break for information (request to anyone who hears the call to respond with information), break for anyone on (request, usually for a Smokey report or road conditions), for anyone on a certain highway, etc.

Breaker: A term, along with "Break," used when a CB operator wants others on a channel to break off routine chatter: "Breaker. Breaker.,, Also refers to the person who is calling: "Hold on, Pink Panther, we got a breaker." See also "button-pusher."

Breaking Up: A received signal is being interfered with for some reason. "You're breakin' up, good buddy."

Breaking Wind: The lead vehicle in a group of vehicles in communication by CB. See also "Front Door" and "Shaking the Trees."

Brush Your Teeth and Comb Your Hair: Phrase used to tell another he's approaching a radar-equipped police car ("Picture Taker"). To look your best means you've got to be legal.

Bubblegummer: A teenage CB operator.

Bug Out: Youth culture term used to politely (?) request someone to leave the channel: "Bug out, breaker" might be used by someone in a group that is hogging a channel. See "Cartel" and "Goon Squad" for them.

Button-Pusher: A breaker who is illegally attempting to interrupt transmissions on a channel by "keying-up" so as to transmit the AM carrier alone. Also, someone who is attempting to interrupt on-going transmissions by transmitting a "break" call.


Cartel: This term is the name of a parlor game, but the game among CBers is called channel hogging, an illegal practice. The group playing the game is known as a cartel.

Cash Register: A toll booth.

Chicken Coop: A weigh-in station for trucks.

Chopped Top: A very short CB antenna.

Chrome Dome: A mobile antenna mounted on the roof of a four-wheeler (car). Used to help another CBer identify your car: "I'm in a blue Dodge with a chrome dome."

City Kitty: A local policeman, also known as a "Local Yokel."

Citizens Band: A band of assigned frequencies in the 11 meter Bandwith which is alot of fun to operate on.

Citizens Band Mid~West: A non-profit CB Club and the owner of these Internet pages.

Clean Cut: An unmodified CB transceiver that complies with FCC power output regulations by not being used in conjunction with a linear power amplifier. An interchangeable term is "barefoot."

Cleaner Channel: A less congested CB channel, freer of interference "Let's find a cleaner channel. Standby while I step down to check out the lower channels,"

Clear: A radiotelephone term that has been used for a long time. To clear the radio channel in use by ending the transmission: "This is K-0-K1-0-4-0, we're clear."

Coffee Break: CBers in an area who get together informally to socialize, usually at a drive-in. Also to provide free coffee to motorists at interstate highway rest areas on long holiday weekends.

Coke Stop: A euphemism for a stop to visit the restroom.

Comeback: A reply from another operator to your call for anyone who might be listening: "Appreciate the comeback, Zodiac, can you tell us how to get to ."

Come on: Phrase used to tell another operator to talk. Used interchangeably with "come back" and "over."

Convoy: A group of vehicles traveling together, -usually at a higher than legal speed.

Copy: To receive a radio transmission with sufficient clarity to understand the message. " I copy, Rolling Stone." "Anyone with a copy, come in."

Copy the Mail: To monitor CB transmissions by others. Also known as "Read the Mail."

Copyright: A legal claim to information or objects. CBMW has a copyright on this information.

County Mountie: A county sheriff or his patrol car.

Covered Up: Interference., usually by another operator using the same channel, causes the received signal to be covered up. Your response is to tell the other operator to "come again" or "ten-ten." Synonymous terms are "walked on" and "stepped on."

Cub Scouts: The local sheriff and his men. Generally they do not grow up to become Boy Scouts (state patrolmen). Cub Scouts also may be called "local yokels."

Cut the Coax: A euphemism for concluding a transmission. Cutting the coax lead from the transceiver would put you off the air if done literally. You're going off the air, which is also pulling the "big switch" or "the plug."


Daddy-0: The Federal Communications Commission, also known as "Big Daddy."

Dirty Side: The bottom of a tractor trailer, usually used when one is seen flipped over.

Dog: A Greyhound Bus.

Double-jointed Corn Flakes Box: A Consolidated Freightways (CF) tractor with a double trailer. Double trailers once were endearingly called "widow makers."

Double-Keying: A practice where an operator will depress the transmit key on his microphone twice in fast succession. May be used at the beginning of a transmission, or at the end, but is illegal in both cases.

Double Nickel: Two five's, or 55, the present speed limit on interstate highways.

Double Van Gogh: Having no "ears." Signal is out or antenna is broken.

Down: Off the air, as in "We're down." Usually used to announce the end of transmission in the senses of "We're gone" or "We'll be on the side."

Draggin'Wagon: A vehicle that pulls another - a wrecker.

Dress for Sale: A lady of the evening or prostitute, also known as a "Pavement Princess."


Ears: CB antennas, especially the pairs that are mounted on a truck: "He's got ears." Also known as "flappers."

Eighteen-Wheeler: A semi-trailer with eighteen wheels.

Eighty-Eight (88): Originally a ham (amateur) radio abbreviation that stood for love and kisses. Sometimes used by CB operators in closing a transmission, particularly as in "Gotta go now, so we'll throw you the three's and eight's." (Three's is a variant of "seventy-three" for "best regards.") Eight's and three's together are known as the "good numbers."

Eleven Meters: The CB band.

Eyeball: To meet personally or to see. Frequently among heterosexual CB contacts: "I'd like to eyeball you." On the road: "We got an eyeball on a Smokey in the grass at marker two-two-zero."

Eye in the Sky: Airborne observation, as by a police helicopter, also known as a "Bear in the Air."


Feed the Bears: To receive a ticket or to pay a fine: "I had to feed the bears." (Had to pay a speeding ticket, usually in "green stamps.")

Fifty Dollar Lane: The passing lane on an interstate highway.

First Personal: Your first name.

Flag-waver: The flagman controlling traffic in a road construction area.

Flappers: Another name for CB antennas, which also are called "ears." Antennas stick out and f lap in the wind.

Flat Side: The horizontal polarization (Going to sleep).

Flat Talking: Talking on the ground wave.

Flip Side: A return trip, also known as the "flip flop," used by truckers and commuters alike.

Fog Lifter: Someone who brings something to a channel - an interesting CBer. See also "Sunbeam."

Foot Warmer: A linear amplifier.

Four-Wheeler: A passenger car.

Friendly Candy Company: The first letters form the acronym FCC Federal Communications Commission - which CBers do not find particularly friendly, generous, or good company.

Front Door: In front of a vehicle. Also, the lead truck in a highway caravan that is the first to spot a Smokey and can give this advance notice to other vehicles. See also "back door" and "rocking chair."

Fugitive: A CBer who's not operating on his favorite channel for whatever the reason.


Get 'em off: Exit ramp.

Get 'em on: Entrance ramp.

Get Out: To get the radio signal out so it can be received by another operator. CBers wondering whether they're getting out ask for a "radio check."

Glory Card: A Class D CB station license. It should be displayed at the base station and the three letters and four numbers of the call sign should be properly used in transmissions.

Go-Go Girls: Truckers' term for honest-to-goodness farm animals - pigs. Why pigs are associated with go-go girls is unknown.

Good Buddy: Like "Ole' Buddy," a term used among truckers and others as a salutation when the other operator's handle is unknown: "Hey, good buddy, we're here over your shoulder."

Goodies: Accessories or extras that sweeten up CB operations.

Good Numbers: Eighty-eight (love and kisses) and seventy-three (best regards): "Time to go now, so we'll throw you the good numbers."

Goon Squad: Channel hoggers, also known as "savages" or collectively as a "cartel."

Gotta Copy? Do you hear me?

Gone: Off the air, often used in concluding a transmission as in "We're gone" or "We gone!" Synonymous with "down" or "on the side."

Granny lane: Slowest moving lane on a highway.

Grass: The median strip of an interstate highway, as in "We've got a Smokey in the grass at marker two-one-eight."

Green Stamps: Money to pay a speeding fine. Smokey: "I'm gonna collect some green stamps." (Catch a speeder and write a ticket requiring payment of a fine.)


Hag Feast: A group of female CBers chewing the rag on a public communications medium to which anyone can listen is known as a hag feast.

Hammer: The accelerator pedal, usually of a truck but applicable to four wheelers and other vehicles as welt. Truckers "put down the hammer" or "hammer down" (accelerate) when Smokies aren't in sight

Handle: An adopted nickname used for identification by CBers; for example, Gremlin, Geneses Bear, "Thanks for the comeback, K-E-D0-5-2-1, what's your handle?"

Happy Number: A good or excellent reading on the relative signal strength meter ("S" meter).

High Gear: Euphemism for the use of a linear amplifier, also called a "box" or "snowshoes," that illegally increases the output power. High gear is equated with high power.

Hammer lane: Fastest lane on a highway.

Holler: A call, as in "to give a holler" to a fellow CBer: "Hey, good buddy, you give us a holier when you get to your home twenty."

Home Twenty: Home location The twenty is an abbreviated ten-code for location "I've been sitting here copying the mail at the home twenty."

How About?: "How about that Golden Eagle?" Used to establish contact with another CBer, usually when calling for a specific person. The more general call is "break" or "breaker."

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