Glossary of CB Jargon, Page 2




























Idiot Box: Television.

In a short: Soon.

Invitations: Traffic tickets.

Is that a Four? Did you copy? Do you agree?


Jamboree: An event planned by CBers, usually a club, at some outdoor location, usually with some combination of food and refreshments, games, activities, CB product displays, prize drawings, and entertainment.


Keyboard: Controls on the front panel of a CB transceiver.

Key-up: To broadcast an AM carrier wave by depressing the transmit key (switch) without modulation (i.e., without a voice message).

Kiddie Car: A school bus.

Kicker: A linear amplifier.

Knock It Down: Go down to another channel.


Land Line: A telephone line.

Legal Beagle: A CBer who abides by all the FCC rules, including the correct use of his call sign.

Linear: A radio frequency amplifier that illegally increases a CB transceiver's output power. Also referred to as a "box" or being with ,,snowshoes" or in "high gear."

Local Yokel: A village or city police officer: the local constabulary.

Lollipop: Microphone. Usually used in discussing how close an operator is holding his microphone. "Don't lick the lollipop" translates to "Don't speak so close to the mike."


Mail: On-the-air conversations that may be heard (monitored) by others. Listening to others talk is usually referred to as "opening the mail" or "reading the mail."

Make the Trip: To get the transmitted signal from the transmitter to the receiver of another station. Often "you're making the trip" in the same sense of "your signal is reaching me," especially when referring to long distances.

Mama Bear: A female policeman or police person.

Man in Blue: A policeman.

Man in Slicker: Not a flasher, who serves himself, but a fireman, who serves others. So named because of the slicker raincoat he wears.

Man in White: A doctor or ambulance attendant.

Mercy: A convenient way of avoiding the use of illegal on-the-air profanity. "Mercy me, that is one strong signal," instead of "Hell, that's one bodacious signal."

Mile Marker: The small signs on interstate highways that tell you the number of miles of highway from the state line where the highway began. A convenient way of pinpointing the location of an accident, a vehicle in distress or a Smokey.

Mobile: A transceiver located in a mobile vehicle, such as an automobile, recreational vehicle, truck, etc. An often asked question is whether the other station is base or mobile. A mobile unit has much more limited range than a base station at some permanent location with a higher antenna.

Monster Lane: The passing lane of an interstate highway, also known as the "Fifty Dollar Lane."

Modulate (with): To hold a conversation over a CB radio channel. "It's been nice modulation' with you." Derived from a radio term which means to superimpose a voice signal on a carrier signal.

Motion-Lotion: Gasoline or diesel fuel.

Moveable Parking Lot: An automobile carrier.

Mud Duck: A weak station. "Got a Mud Duck trying to squeeze through all that chatter."


Negative Copy: To tell another you did not receive or could not copy, his signal. "That's a negative copy. Come again."

Negatory: No, or negative. Used In place of "negative" for greater clarity.

Nickel Channel: Channel five.


OM: Acronym for "Old Man," which could refer either to a husband or to one's father. Originally a Ham term.

On Channel: On frequency.

On the Side: Standing by.

One Time: When a brief exchange is desired on a channel already in use, a call may be made as follows: "Break for that Annie Fannie one time."

One-Way Camper: An ambulance.

Over: End of transmission.

Over The Shoulder: To be behind or at the back door.


Panty Hose Junction: A Restaurant or truck stop with a waitress.

Parking Lot: an inter-city expressway

Peanut Butter In The Ears: A reference to a CBers who either does not have his rig turned on, or cannot hear for some other reason

Plain Wrapper: Unmarked police patrol car.

Play Dead: To stand by "play dead, Pink Panther, we got ourselves a breaker.'

Portable Barnyard: A truck hauling cattle or live-stock.

Postholes, A Load Of: An empty truck.

Pounds: Watts you are putting out.

Prescription: Anything not done according to FCC rules.

Pull the Plug: To get off the air or sign off. "I'm going to pull the plug here."

Pumpkin: A flat tire.

Putting On (out): Used when talking about the amount of power that your transmitter is putting out.


QSL Card: A card exchanged by CB and ham operators with whom they communicated with and received transmissions from.


Radar Alley: Probably derived from Torpedo Alley during World War 11. The name of Radar Alley, however, aptly applies to the Ohio Turnpike (1-90) that is heavily patrolled by bears. They're avid picture-takers who collect lots of green stamps.

Radio Check: A radio interchange in which the purpose is to provide one of the participants with information about how well his signal is being transmitted. Usually the transmitter output is read in pounds (S-meter units). A general call to anyone to provide this service might be: "Break one-nine for a radio check."

Rake the Leaves: The last vehicle in a convoy that watches for police coming up from the rear. See "Back Door."

Ratchet law: A person who talks too much or continuously.

Read: To hear and understand, used interchangeably with "copy." "I read you" and "That's a copy" acknowledge clear and understandable reception of the message.

Red Lights: Brake lights seen on an expressway, especially after it has become a parking lot.

Reefer: A refrigerated truck.

Rig: A CB operators transceiver.

Riot Squad: An unhappy group of neighbors who have television interference (TVI) caused by a radio transmitter in their area - usually that of a ham or CBer.

Rocking Chair: Vehicle between the front and back doors. "You're at the front door, he's at the back, and I'm sitting in the rocking chair." All this person has to do is sit back and listen for Smokey reports coming from the front and rear of the traffic line.

Roger: Popularly known through air force and other war films, the term is synonymous with message received and understood, "copy," and "ten-four."

Roger Beep: A CBs signaling tone device.

Rolling Refinery: A truck hauling gasoline or oil.

Roller Skate: A small car.


Sandwich lane: Middle lane on a highway.

Savages: Channel hoggers, also known as "goon squad" or "cartel."

Scale House: A truck weigh station. See "Chicken Coop."

Seat Covers. A woman with a nice pair of legs. Usually, a "nice pair of seat covers." Truckers sit high in their cabs, and they see lots of other things as well.

Seventy-three: To send "best regards." An abbreviation originally used by hams, now often expressed by CBers as "threes." Often used in conjunction with "eights" (love and kisses), an abbreviation of eighty-eight.

Shake the Trees: The lead vehicle in a convoy shakes the trees - looks for police ahead. See also "Rake the Leaves."

Shaky Side: Truckers' term for the earthquake-prone side of the country, otherwise known as California. No, the East Coast is not known as the Steady Side, but rather the Dirty Side.

Shanty Shaker: A tractor for moving mobile homes.

Shout: Synonymous with an equally used term, holler. Shout and holler both mean to call another CBer. "I'll give you a shout on the f lip-f (op." It has nothing to do with volume.

Side, On The: To go on standby, listening to what's going on but not transmitting. Often coupled with ten-ten (transmission completed, subject to call) to indicate the operator will respond to a call for him.

Skip: A game played with the FCC meaning to communicate with stations more than 150 miles away by means of radio frequency waves that bounce (skip) off the ionosphere. If the FCC wins this game, you lose your license, and, most likely, some cash.

Skyhook: Originally an amateur radio term for antenna, still used by hams who also operate CB rigs. The more common CB terms are "ears" or "flappers"

Slave Drivers: Another of the many terms meaning a group of CBers who try to control a channel.

Slider. An illegal device for CBers since all Citizens' Radio equipment must be crystal controlled. A slider is a :variable frequency oscillator (VFO) which can slide across a range of frequencies.

Smoke: As in "How much smoke are we throwin'?" Essentially translates to the amount of power output and quality of signal reception.

Smokey (Smokey Bear): State police officer who generally wears a Smokey the Bear style ranger hat.

Smokey on Rubber: A state patrolman on the move (rolling on his rubber tires).

Snooperscope: Related to the periscope but referring to an illegally high CB antenna.

Snowshoes: Use of an illegal linear amplifier to increase the output power beyond the legal limits. One "wears snowshoes."

Stage Stop: A truck stop.

State Trooper Cage: State Police headquarters.

Step Up; Step Down: To go up or down to another channel. Used when moving to another channel because of overcrowding.

Streaking To go full speed.

Sunbeam: When things are rather gloomy on a channel, you're grateful for the sunbeam who comes along with a bright, lively conversation.


Take (taking) Pictures: To operate a radar unit measuring the speed of vehicles, Various police officers - Smokies, county mounties, and local yokels - are fond of taking pictures.

Tear Jerker: From a long-standing slang term, but applied to the person' rather than the story. A person with hard luck stories. Also see "sunbeam."

Ten-Four: Frequently used ten-code acknowledgment that a transmission has been received and understood. A "big ten-f our" means the received message is agreed with by the recipient.

Ten-Roger: See "ten-four" and "roger".

Thermos Bottle: A tanker truck, especially one carrying chemicals under pressure or refrigeration.

Threes: Short for seventy-three's, a term meaning "regards."

Throwing: The act of transmitting, usually used with "pounds" in regard to the power of the signal. "How many pounds am I throwing?"

Tightening up The Rubberband: To accelerate, also known as "Putting the Hammer Down."

Tijuana Taxi: A marked State Police car with lights and antenna.

Trip, The: The distance between the transmitter and the receiver, usually in reference to how strong the signal is: "How am I making the trip?" Also see "putting on" and "throwing."

Turn Twenty: The location of an exit or turn. "Twenty" refers to location. Twenty. Often as in "What's your twenty?" An abbreviation of the ten code meaning "What's your location." Frequently used to establish how far communicating stations are for the purpose of determining the effectiveness of the transmission.


Up There, Down There: Not to be confused with the British television series "Upstairs, Downstairs." Up there refers to a higher numbered CB channel, and down there to a lower channel. Also see "Step Up, Step Down."


Vertical: Vertical ground plane antenna.

Vertical Side: Vertical polarization.

VFO: Variable frequency oscillator. Enables an operator to select any frequency within a band on which to transmit. Used by hams, but illegal for CBers.


Walked On (over): To have a signal interfered with by another signal, effectively preventing it from being understood. "Come again, Blue Knight, someone just walked on you." See also "Step On."

Walking All Over You: Another louder station is covering up your signal.

Walking Tall: Good sounding signal.

Walking The Dog: Talking over a long distance.

Wallpaper: One or more QSL cards usually hung on a wall.

Wall to Wall: There are two widely used meanings for this- One refers to loud and clear reception: "You're coming in wall to wall." The other refers to a remarkable number of police in a given area, such as Radar Alley: "Mercy, good buddy, the Bears here are wall to wall."

Watch Your Donkey: Warning to move (drive) cautiously because of state or local police coming up from the rear.

Waving a hand: Telling someone hello; or asking someone to pass on your hello. "Tell Big Daddy that Shorty is waving a hand at him."

Wheels. "We're on wheels" means the operator in question is in a vehicle.

Wind Jammer. A long-winded radio operator.

Wrapper. The paint color of a vehicle, usually a four-wheeler, used to identify a specific vehicle. "There's a bear in a blue wrapper sittin' at marker one-two-four." Also see "plain wrapper."


X-Ray Machine: Radar equipment of local or state police. See also "Picture-Taker" and "Camera."

XYL: An abbreviation for ex-young-lady, or wife. Originally an amateur term, its common equivalent is OW (old woman).


YL: Abbreviation for young lady. Once married, they become XYL's or OW's.

You Got'Em: Acknowledgment that the person called is responding.


Zulu: The last letter in the Phonetic Alphabet

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